Active and creative hobbies to start in 2020
It’s a new year...a new decade! What a year it’s been, with so much happening in all of our lives. New families, friends, schools. What was the highlight of your 2019? You might be wondering ‘What active and creative hobbies to start in 2020.
At the start of this new year, it’s common to think about things you might want to do differently over the next 12 months. Will you eat less chocolate? Eat more chocolate? Maybe start a new hobby or start learning a new language. There is so much you could try to give up or take up.
Maybe Not
It’s a good thing we have shaped ours as personal goals! It’s a good idea when choosing what resolution to make to keep things realistic, however. In 2012 6-year-old Sophie chose hers to see every zoo in the world. 4-year-old Ben said he wanted to have a cow farm...that’s a “dairing” venture.
Here’s some more achievable resolutions
Learn Spanish:
This is a very achievable goal, even beginning is a huge step. Try to form a full sentence by the end of the year like “Hello, I want three apples please” or “Where is the chocolate shop?”. Why not begin the journey with Jingle Bilingual. It’s easy to watch and has great Spanish lessons for kids in its content.
Make a friend
Have you moved to a new town or city? Do you feel shy around people you don’t know? This is an excellent resolution as it means you make a great friend and get over a fear at the same time! Why not strike up a conversation with a classmate about one of your favorite TV shows, what outdoor hobbies they enjoy or ask them to play at lunchtime.
Start a new indoor or outdoor hobby
Tango, Flamenco, Ballroom, and street. All types of dancing that you can start with your friends, or you can even join a dance school! Will you be the next prima ballerina? Maybe you have a competitive streak...try out fun kids sports like Soccer or Football. Make friends for life and keep moving.
Get better grades
A less exciting resolution but a very valuable one regardless. Trying hard in school should never need to be a resolution but we all know that after the Christmas period especially its hard to motivate yourself to get back into the classroom. One suggestion is to keep them practicing with games and videos outside of school time. Curious World’s games, videos, and books are great for keeping kids engaged and prepared for the next school term.
Anything else?
Can you think of any more new years resolutions? Let us know what yours are this year.
If you enjoyed this blog we think you’ll love “Building Friendships: 5 Thoughtful Projects for Kids”. Read more of our informative blogs here.
Check out this website for tons of great new years resolutions you could also implement.
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